Basic Menu

Top Menu Bar

Top Menu Bar
Working Files Returns to the project file currently being worked on.
New Creates a new project.
When clicked, a popup window appears to specify project name, canvas size, background color, etc.
Import Image Imports image files saved on the PC.
After selecting the file, you can choose whether to 'Open as New File' or 'Open in Current File.'

Left Basic Menu

Left Basic Menu
Home Moves to the home screen.
Templates Moves to the list of recommended templates.
Recent Files Moves to the list of recently worked-on project files.
User guide Opens the official GOM Lab website's user guide page in the browser.
FAQ Opens the official GOM Lab website's frequently asked questions page in the browser.
Notifications Displays a popup window with update information when clicked.
1:1 Inquiry Moves to the official GOM Lab website's 1:1 inquiry page in the browser.

Templates Area

Up to 5 recommended templates are displayed.
Clicking the '[See All]' button will navigate to the template tab screen.

You can browse GOM Pic's recommended templates by each category.
You can arrange the templates in order of latest/name by using the [Sort Criteria] in the top right corner.