
This feature adjusts the hue of the image.
You can change values such as black and white, brightness/contrast, exposure, etc.
This function cannot be used on text layers.
After color correction, you need to click the 'Apply' button for the changes to take effect.
Clicking will dispaly a detailed settings window on the left side of the screen as shown above."

Auto Level Adjustment The adjustment optimized for the current image is automatically applied.
Color Inversion Inverses the color values of the current image.
Grayscale Changes the image to black and white.

1) Black and White

You can convert the image to black and white, and adjust the intensity by entering a number or dragging the scroll bar.
A higher intensity increases the area occupied by white, while a lower intensity increases the area occupied by black.

2) Brightness/Contrast

Adjusts the brightness and contrast values of the image. You can adjust the values by entering a number or dragging the scroll bar.

3) Exposure adjustment.

Adjust the exposure level of the image. You can adjust the value by entering a number or dragging the scroll bar.
It's similar to adjusting the amount of light with a camera aperture. As the exposure value increases, the amount of light increases, making the image brighter, while decreasing the exposure value reduces the amount of light, making the image darker.

4) Hue/Saturation

Changes the hue, saturation, and brightness values of the image. You can adjust the values by entering a number or dragging the scroll bar.

Hue allows you to adjust the color values of areas excluding black and white.

Saturation enhances the intensity of each color in the image. A higher value emphasizes the primary colors, while a lower value tends towards black and white.

Brightness is a function that can make the image lighter or darker. A higher value approaches a white image, while a lower value approaches a black image.

5) Gamma

Adjust the values of the dark parts/midtones/bright parts of the image. You can adjust the values by entering a number or dragging the scroll bar.

Lift allows you to adjust the brightness of the dark parts of the image. A higher value brightens the shadow areas, while a lower value darkens them.

Gamma adjusts the brightness of the midtones in the image. A higher value decreases overall contrast and brightens the tones, while a lower value increases contrast and darkens the tones.

Gain adjusts the brightness of the bright parts of the image. A higher value increases contrast, making the highlights brighter, while a lower value decreases contrast, making the tones darker.

6) Sepia

Change the color values of the image. You can adjust the values by entering a number or dragging the scroll bar.

The U value adjusts the hue between blue and yellow. Increasing the U value emphasizes the blue tones of the image, while decreasing it emphasizes the yellow tones.

The V value adjusts the hue between green and red. Increasing the V value emphasizes the red tones of the image, while decreasing it emphasizes the green tones.

7) Vibrance

Increase or decrease the intensity of the image color to give it a more vivid and dynamic effect. You can adjust the values by entering a number or dragging the scroll bar.
Unlike hue/saturation, this adjustment emphasizes the midtones and somewhat faint colors in the image, allowing for more balanced color correction.