Advertising / Partnership

We would appreciate it if you make various suggestions for us, GOM & COMPANY.

Our advertising/partnership team will review your proposal and contact you.

However, please note that we do not have information security obligations about your suggestions, and understand we may not contact you.

Contact details

Agree to collect and use personal information

  • Collection item : Company(Organization), Proposer name, Contact, Email address
  • Purpose of collections : It is collected for the purpose of the enquired advertisement and affiliation, not used for any other purpose.
    In principal, the company destroys personal information immediately after the purpose of collecting and using personal information has been achieved.
    However, if preservation is required according to the regulation of related statute, the company shall keep the member information for a certain period of time as defined under the statute.
  • - Record of a contract or subscription withdrawal : 5 years
  • - Record of supply such as payment or goods: 5 years
  • - Record of customer complaints or dispute settlement : 5 years