GOM Player
[Mac] I want to know shortcut keys for GOM Player.
command+I : Open the program information window
command+, : Open the preferences window
shift+command+P : Open/Close Playlist Window
command+Q : End GOM Player
l Window size / position
command+0 : 50 %
command+1 : 100 %
command+2: 200 %
command+3 : Fit to the screen resolution
control+command+F : Full Screen
command++ : Size increase
command+- : Size decrease
l Playback control
command+O : Open a file
shift+command+O : Open an URL
space : Play / Pause
→ : Forward (10 seconds)
← : Backward (10 seconds)
F : Move to the next key frame
command+[ : Play the previous file
command+] : Play the next file
l Playback Speed
command + ←*n : -0.25*n x speed (※Note : n=The number of tap)
command + →*n : +0.25*n x speed (※Note : n=The number of tap)
command + ↓ : at 1x speed
l Video Control
shift+command+R*n : Rotate a Video (※Note : n=The number of tap)
shift+command+H : Reverse upside-down
shift+command+V : Reverse left and right
l Subtitle Control
option+E : Subtitle Explorer
shift+command+D : Search Subtitles in GOM Lab
option+PageUp : Increase subtitle size
option+PageDn : Decrease subtitle size
shift+B : Speed up a subtitle +0.5 seconds
shift+Z : Delay a subtitle -0.5 Seconds
shift+C : Sync Default
l Sound Control
방향키(↑↓) : Arrow Keys(↑↓) : Adjust the sound
command+/ : (Mute) Turn off the sound (Mute)
l Screen Capture
command+S : Screen Capture