GOM Audio

Function Inquiry

Is it mandatory to cite a copyright in musical works of ON theme?

When using the sound sources provided by ON theme of GOM Audio, please make sure to cite the source of the sound sources.

Please refer to the following items that you need for citing the source, and check the details through the guideline for citing a copyright in musical works.


(Duplicate content among copyrighted data of music works is the same, so please select one and use it.)


[Items to be listed in the source]

- Title of the work

- Name of the author

- Terms of use

- Source(: 공유마당)

[Guideline for citing a copyright in musical works]

The URL of guideline for citing a copyright in musical works of ON theme


Please note that you shall be liable for legal responsibility if you use the sound sources without specifying above 4 items, and GOM & Company accepts no responsibility for such damage.