GOM Player
[Windows] I want to get to know the keyboard shortcuts for GOM Player.
F1 : Display the About GOM Player window
F2 : Open file
F3 : Open Subtitle File
F4 : Stop and close video
F5 : Open the Prefences window
F6 : Playback 360° video
F7 : Open/Close Control Panel window
F8 : Open/Close Playlist window
F12 : Open DVD
l Favorites
Alt + G : Add current file to Favorites
Alt + D : Add current folder to Favorites
Alt + F : Open Favorites Manager
l Window Size / Position
' : Minimum size
Shift + X : Minimize & Pause
1 : 50 %
2 : 100 %
3 : 150 %
4 : 200 %
5 : Maximize(No Blank Space)
6 : Maximize
7 : Fit to Video Input
8 : Full Screen(Keep Ratio)
9 : Full Screen(Streched)
0 : Switch to Preset
Alt + 1 : 50%
Alt + 2 : 100%
Alt + 3 : 150%
Alt + 4 : 200%
Alt + 5 : Maximize(No Blank Space)
Alt + 6 : Maximize
Alt + 7 : Fit to Video Input
Del : Fit to Video Input
Alt + Enter : Full Screen(Keep Ratio)
Enter : Full Screen(Keep Ratio)
Ctrl + Enter : Full Screen(Streched)
Ctrl + Alt + Enter : Full Screen(Streched - Keep Ratio)
Esc : Restore if in full screen mode / Minimize & Pause if in normal view
Numpad 5 : Default Pan & Scan
Numpad 6 : Right
Numpad 4 : Left
Numpad 8 : Up
Numpad 2 : Down
Numpad 7 : Top left
Numpad 9 : Top right
Numpad 1 : Bottom left
Numpad 3 : Bottom right
Ctrl + Numpad 5 : Switch to Preset
Ctrl + Numpad 9 : Increase Playback Area Size
Numpad + : Increase Playback Area Size
+ : Increase Playback Area Size
= : Increase Playback Area Size
Ctrl + Numpad 1 : Decrease Playback Area Size
Numpad - : Decrease Playback Area Size
- : Decrease Playback Area Size
Ctrl + Numpad 6 : Increase Window Size Horizontally
Ctrl + Numpad 4 : Decrease Window Size Horizontally
Ctrl + Numpad 8 : Increase Window Size Vertically
Shift + ↑ : Increase Window Size Vertically
Ctrl + Numpad 2 : Decrease Window Size Vertically
Shift + ↓ : Decrease Window Size Vertically
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 4 : Bump window position left
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 6 : Bump window position right
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 8 : Bump window position up
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 2 : Bump window position down
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad + : Increase Window Size
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad - : Decrease Window Size
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 5 : Position window center
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 7 : Position window top-left
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 9 : Position window top-right
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 3 : Position window bottom-right
Ctrl + Alt + Numpad 1 : Position window bottom-left
Ctrl + [ : Increase / decrease pixel dimensions - Remove horizontal pixels
Ctrl + ] : Increase / decrease pixel dimensions - Add horizontal pixels
l Playback Controls
Ctrl + I : Open the Easy Browser
Ctrl + O : Open File
Ctrl + U : Open URL
Ctrl + D : Open Folder
Spacebar : Play/Pause
Ctrl + P : Play/Pause
Ctrl + Spacebar : Stop
Ctrl + Alt + → : Fast Forward (5 sec)
→ : Fast Forward (10 sec)
Ctrl + F : Fast Forward (10 sec)
Ctrl + → : Fast Forward (60 sec)
Shift + → : Fast Forward (300 sec)
Ctrl + Alt + ← : Rewind (5 sec)
← : Rewind (10 sec)
Ctrl + B : Rewind (10 sec)
Ctrl + ← : Rewind (60 sec)
Shift + ← : Rewind (300 sec)
F : Advance by Keyframe
Ctrl + > : Advance by Keyframe
Ctrl + < : Previous Keyframe
Page Up : Play Previous File
Page Down : Play Next File
Backspace : Go back to Start
G : Specify a location to jump to
B : Select a bookmark
N : Add a bookmark
Shift + Page Up : Jump to the previous bookmark
Shift + Page Down : Jump to the next bookmark
l Playback Speed
Z : Default Speed
Ctrl + Shift + N : Default Speed
X : Play Speed Down
Ctrl + Shift + B : Play Speed Down
C : Play Speed Up
Ctrl + Shift + F : Play Speed Up
Ctrl + Shift + G : Play Speed Up
l Playlist
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F : Toggle Shuffle
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B : Toggle Repeat
Ctrl + F : Find in the list
l Aspect Ratio
Ctrl + F5 : Set Default Aspect Ratio
Ctrl + F6 : Default Aspect Ratio
Ctrl + F7 : 4 : 3 Aspect Ratio
Ctrl + F8 : 16 : 9 Aspect Ratio
Ctrl + F9 : 1.85 : 1 Aspect Ratio
Ctrl + F10 : 2.35 : 1 Aspect Ratio
Ctrl + F11 : User-Defined Aspect Ratio
l Video Color and Effect Controls
R : Increase Brightness
E : Decrease Brightness
Y : Increase Contrast
T : Decrease Contrast
I : Increase Saturation
U : Decrease Saturation
P : Increase Hue
O : Decrease Hue
W : Increase Contrast and Brightness
Q : Reset Video Color Settings
V : Select video
Shift + Ctrl + S : Rotate
Ctrl + Y : Flip Input Vertically
Ctrl + V : Flip Output Vertically
Ctrl + H : Horizontal flip (Input)
Ctrl + J : Horizontal flip (Output)
Ctrl + M : Toggle Sharpen Effect
Ctrl + N : Toggle Noise
Ctrl + L : Toggle Smoothen Effect
l Subtitle
Alt + O : Open Subtitle File
Alt + H : Show/Hide Subtitle
Alt + E : Subtitle Explorer
Alt + L : Change language
Alt + S : Save Current Sync
Alt + I : Open subtitles with Easy Browser
Alt + Arrow(↑↓) : Adjust Subtitle Position
Alt + Numpad 6 : Horizontal spacing +
Alt + Numpad 4 : Horizontal spacing -
Alt + Numpad 8 : Vertical spacing +
Alt + Numpad 2 : Vertical spacing -
Alt + Home : Default Subtitle Position
Alt + Page Up : Increase Subtitle Size
Alt + Page Down : Decrease Subtitle Size
Alt + B : Change Subtitle Thickness
> : 0.5 sec faster
< : 0.5 sec slower
/ : Default Sync
Home : To the previous subtitle sync
End : To the next subtitle sync
S : Select Subtitle Language
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S : Show/Hide Subtitle Language
l Audio Control
Arrow(↑↓) : Player Volume Control
Mouse Wheel : Player Volume Control
Ctrl + ↑↓ : System Mixer Volume Control
Ctrl + Mouse Wheel : System Mixer Volume Control
Ctrl + Shift + ↑↓ : System Master Volume Control
Shift + Mouse Wheel : System Master Volume Control
M : Mute
A : Choose Audio Stream
L : Select EQ Preset
Shift + G : Open Advance Audio Capture
Shift + E : Toggle Equalizer
Shift + N : Toggle Normalizer
Ctrl + Alt + ↓ : Decrease normalized volume
Ctrl + Alt + ↑ : Increase normalized volume
Shift + P : Open Audio Preferences
Shift + R : Toggle Reverb Effect
Shift + S : Toggle 3D Audio Effect
Shift + > : 0.1 sec slower
Shift + < : 0.1 sec faster
Shift + / : Default audio sync settings
l AB Repeat / Skip
[ : Set start marker (A)
] : Set end marker (B)
Shift + [ : Clear start marker
Shift + ] : Clear end marker
/ : Cancel AB Repeat
' : AB Skip settings
Shift + ' : AB Skip ON
Shift + / : Set multiple sections
Ctrl + Alt + Shift +A : Set AB Loop (Set start marker - Set end marker - Reset)
l Screen Capture
Ctrl + G : Advanced Screen Capture
Ctrl + C : Copy to clipboard
Ctrl + E : Save as a file
Ctrl + Q : Create snapshot / gallery
Ctrl + 7 : Set as desktop background - Center
Ctrl + 8 : Set as desktop background - Tile
Ctrl + 9 : Set as desktop background - Stretch
Ctrl + 0 : Set as desktop background - Remove
l DVD Control
D : DVD menu
Page Up : Previous Chapter
Page Down : Next Chapter
Ctrl + BackSpace : Go to DVD Root Menu
Enter : DVD Enter Key
l Other Shortcut Keys
Ctrl + X : Quit after playback is finished
Ctrl + Z : Shut Down Computer after a Movie
Ctrl + 7 : Set as desktop background - Center
Ctrl + 8 : Set as desktop background - Tile
Ctrl + 9 : Set as desktop background - Stretch
Ctrl + 0 : Set as desktop background - Remove
Ctrl + F1 : Show Current file Information
Ctrl + A : Toggle "Always on top"
Ctrl + T : Toggle "On top while playing"
Alt + X : Quit GOM Player
Alt + Q : Quit GOM Player
Alt + F4 : Quit GOM Player
ESC : Quit GOM Player (When no file is open)
Alt + T : TTS On
Shift + F : Advanced Filter Settings
Shift + Delete : Move the current playing file to the trash
Tab : Playback Info Message
Ctrl + Shift + Tab : Playback Info Message (Continue)