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    00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:32,000

    Formation of civil competence among upcoming teachers of primary school (using the examples of natural sciences and its teaching methods).

    Speakers: Tatiana Vasyutina, Victoria Koval.


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    During 2018-2021 we were working with the project "Implementing democratic values ​​to the process of primary school teachers training in Ukraine and Norway" in the working section "Democracy in natural sciences" because we are teaching disciplines of the natural cycle. To implement the objectives of the project, our work was focused on two areas: work with students and work with practicing teachers.



    00:01:06,000 --> 00:1:56,000

    At the beginning of the research, we were going to choose the source which included common key concepts such as "civil competence” and "structure of civil competence". We choose the handbook “Competences for democratic culture - Living together as equals in culturally diverse democratic societies”. We chose competencies from all components of civil competence (knowledge and their critical understanding, attitudes, values, skills, and abilities) that could be formed using our discipline for our students.



    00:01:58,000 --> 00:02:41,000

    The next step was bringing changes to the content of such disciplines programs as «Fundamentals of Science and Civil Education", "Ecology", "Methods of teaching natural education" and "Methods of teaching in civil and historical brunch". These changes were included in the topics of students' research and the advanced training programs of educators, primary school teachers, college teachers.



    00:02:42,000 --> 00:03:10,000

    We were having classes not only in classrooms but also outside among nature and in the museums. Regarding the forms and methods of teaching, we added elements of training to the traditional lectures, the content was filled with practical interactive exercises which were provided to us by international partners. The results of a survey among 72 students involved in the experimental study showed the effectiveness of most of them.



    00:03:11,000 --> 00:03:43,000

    Analytical and critical thinking skills;

    We formed prognostic and listening and observing skills with the help of such exercises as "Prediction", "Entrance", "Bloom's Cube", "Fake Video", "World Cafe", "Broken Phone". According to 78.1% of respondents (according to the results of the survey with time lags), the most effective exercises were "Prediction", "West", "Bloom's Cube".



    00:03:45,000 --> 00:05:14,000

    During the lesson, we formed such skills as a critical understanding of culture, human rights, the ability to understand the ambiguity of the situation, acceptance of the point of view of the interlocutor. This lesson was called "Development of cross-cutting skills in science". We used different exercises ( “Fake video”, “Broken phone” “ Pedagogical situations” " 4 corners ", “Press method», «World Café”) at this lesson. According to 69, 4% of respondents the most effective exercise is "World Cafe".



    00:05:15,000 --> 00:06:15,000

    We were forming student`s ability to express their point of view from different positions. Also forming skills for distinguishing and evaluate short-term and long-term benefits or goals. Students had such ability to improve linguistic and communication skills. We practiced teamwork skills in such classes as "Can anabiosis is used for interplanetary travel?", "The role of the media the formation of the basic student`s civil competence. Exercises that were used are ̶ "Staging", "4 corners", “Press method", "World Cafe". Exercise "World Cafe" confirmed its greatest effectiveness.



    00:06:17,000 --> 00:07:20,000

    We used exercises "Driver and Machine", "Sticks" and "Tangle" to form skills of discovering new knowledge and interact general thinking skills, and analysis skills. According to the results of the survey, 63% of respondents indicated that the most effective exercises were "Driver and car", "Chinese sticks" and "Tangle".


    00:07:21,000 --> 00:08:00,000

    We were forming empathy and respect for human dignity and human rights through the material of natural sciences. That was presented during the lesson "Possibilities of cartographic manuals in the work of a primary school teacher" based on the State Research and Production Enterprise "Cartography". We were preparing students for the work in inclusive classrooms using such exercises as "What if…?" and also through the work with atlases for the blind in Braille.



    00:08:01,000 --> 00:08:25,000

    We also formed empathy and respect for human dignity and human rights during the classes of science and civil education and methods of studying the relevant fields of education. Exercises we used: "Staging", "Hot air balloon races", "Visualization of human rights" different types of staging (for example, rules of conduct in transport). 86.3% of respondents testified to the greatest effectiveness of the staging and exercises "Balloons Racing" and "Visualization of Human Rights".



    00:08:27,000 --> 00:09:16,000

    We were forming an open attitude to other culture`s beliefs and outlooks, also determining the value of democracy, providing skills of self-awareness and self-knowledge. This formation was made through integrated classes such as Mathematical Ecology(science + mathematics), I am human (civil education + science + mathematics). During these classes, we use such exercises as "Brainstorming", "Interactive discussion", "Bouquet", "Individual coat of arms", "Paired cards". According to 69.9% of students, the most effective were "Bouquet", "Individual coat of arms", "Pair cards".



    00:09:18,000 --> 00:10:48,000

    Excursions, classes among nature, and museums are non-traditional forms of organizing students' education and forming their civil competence. These lessons took place in the Botanical Garden of M. Hryshko, in the National Natural Museum of the National Academy of Ukrainian Sciences, the forest park zone around Kyiv and Chernihiv, at the station of the National University "Chernihiv Collegium" named after T.G. Shevchenko. We conducted such classes and involved students in university and city environmental activities (festival "Life in the style of eco", "Desna`s river day" "Scientific picnics"). After such activities students formed such components of civic competence as the understanding of world length and sustainable development. Also, they prepared themselves for the tour with younger students in their future teaching careers.



    00:10:50,000 --> 00:11:56,000

    Industrial practice plays an important role in the training of primary school teachers and the formation of civic competence. According to the results of the survey, we can state that they used the whole arsenal of exercises that we used with them in class. The most commonly used exercises were: "Staging", "Napkin", "Bouquet", "World Cafe", "Prediction".



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    The main results of our work in the project is a development of knowledge and critical thinking in terms of knowledge and critical understanding of the world (politics, human rights, environment, and sustainable development)



    00:12:25,000 --> 00:12:43,000

     The component of civic competence "Skills" was formed in full. The content of natural sciences had the greatest impact on the formation of students' ability to cooperate, listen and observe, think analytically and critically.



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    Students think that they developed their civil consciousness, open attitude to other cultures, and respect during the formation of such component of civil competence "Attitude”.



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    Such component as "Values" was possible to form in the direction of recognizing the values ​​of democracy, justice, equality and the rule of law.



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    We were organizing project activities according to the method of the "5E - model" by Roger Bybee (BSCS, 2006). We used this model with students to organize project activities at Level 4. Open / true inquiry. Future teachers developed educational projects for primary school and presented them. This develops their creative independence; improves the ability to select the necessary information from various sources; provides a combination of individual and collective activities.



    00:14:55,000 --> 00:15:58,000

    We proposed students conduct an integrated project for natural sciences and foreign languages in the Department of Geology of the National Museum of Natural Sciences. Only 3 out of 40 students decided to conduct it. In the process of its implementation, they chose the presentation form independently, grouped other participants into small groups, selected information and various forms of work with museum exhibits.



    00:16:00,000 --> 00:17:00,000

    The project works for Level 4. Open / true inquiry in heterogeneous groups with different topics. We practiced it during the exhibition "Ukraine WOW". We were observing their work in projects and in covering the final results we noticed the formation of such components of civil competence as autonomy and initiative, ability to cooperate, empathy and decentralization, knowledge and skills of media, interpretation skills, creativity, ability to moral judgment.



    00:17:01,000 --> 00:18:09,000

    Students’ research is a separate point of work with students which prepares them for the formation of civic competence. In particular, we expected to receive the subject of the research, which will contain the problems and methods of forming the foundations of civil competence in junior high school students during pedagogical practice in the context of natural education. As a result, two scientific works in 2019 and 2020 won prizes in the Ukrainian competition of students` research for pedagogy and professional methods in the specialty "Primary Education".



    00:18:10,000 --> 00:19:21,000

    The direction of work among teachers was going to contain the experience of the Norwegian colleagues. That was applied during training courses for educators to increase civil competence among teachers. Educators expand their methodological knowledge after acquaintance with the educational model 5E, use of exercises "World Cafe", "Staging", "Fake Video", "Broken Phone” and "Diamond Ranking".

     We also conducted training "Environmental projects: global challenges of mankind" - for educators; "Project activities: forming environmental competence" and "The role of the media in forming the foundations of civil competence in junior high school" - for teachers, "Fundamentals of project activities in the professional development of professional competencies of college students" - for teachers to deepen their knowledge of civil competence, forms, methods and means by which it can be formed among younger students.



    00:19:21,000 --> 00:19:39,000

    The experience of work in the Interuniversity seminar "Didactic possibilities of cartographic manuals for the formation of bases of civic competence among pupils in such educational branches as “Natural "and" Civil and historical "(2019) was valuable for all. Its urgency was caused by the introduction of the integrated course" I investigate world "at primary school.



    00:19:39,000 --> 00:20:08,000

    At the end of the research, we surveyed students. It was connected with the formation of civil competence components during the work in the project "Implementation of democratic values ​​in the process of training primary school teachers in Ukraine and Norway." The results showed that through the content of our natural disciplines, we can form all the components of civic competence. However, according to students, they developed "Skills" and "Values” in a full.



    00:20:09,000 --> 00:20:26,000

    The majority of respondents (45.1%) answered the question "Do you consider yourself an active citizen?" that they only aspire to become such. Therefore, we report that our work is not completed.



    00:20:28,000 --> 00:20:54,000

    The results of the final replacements showed that both students and teachers have their views on how to implement democracy in educational institutions. In particular, they prioritized personal participation in activities that aimed to develop democracy through participation in the creation of a truly democratic environment in educational institutions.



    00:20:56,000 --> 00:22:15,000

    In sum we can state that we consider promising the following steps for the near future: 1) involvement of students in democratic activities through non-formal and informative areas of civil education (community projects, volunteering, etc.); 2) participation in the creation of a democratic environment of the educational institution; 3) a through the invitation of the project tools in the content and technological support of the discipline and production practices, which provides training for future primary school teachers; 4) expanding cooperation with teachers to deepen their methodological preparation for the formation of civil competence among students.

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